Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The New Year

New Years Resolutions: 

01. Read more books

I've always been an avid reader since I was a kid. Always delving into the midst of fantasy worlds and letting myself get carried away in these foreign environments. So different and complex from the world we live in. In recent years, though, that's tapered off quite a bit until the past few months. First I stumbled across John Green's novels, satisfying an emotional need in the past year that had been bothering me. They were the kind of books that I could identify with in such a way that made me feel a little less alone and a little less bothered - and I had read his complete works by the end of two weeks. After that it was The End of Eternity by Issac Asimov, one of the most inspirational Science Fiction authors. Patrick had been telling me to read this one for a very long time, but I put it off for some reason I could never justify in light of experiencing the book first hand. And this was it for me, this was the book that inspired me to start reading again. I can not recommend it enough! 

02. Take more photos

This feels, well, almost silly considering the amount of photos I already take, but I want to get into a better habit of keeping my camera in my purse pretty much always! It'll help me remember to update my blog more as well so it's a win-win-win. 

03. Blog Blog Blog

I really like blogging and I really need to do it more. I used to write all the time and I've long since gotten out of that as other hobbies have introduced themselves to my life, so I'm interested in anything that can bring that back. I've also found that when I'm blogging more I'm putting more effort into my appearance and such which always makes me feel better in other ways throughout the day. More win-wins! 

p.s. I haven't been able to get a chance to take some nice pictures, but Patrick took a couple snap shots of me yesterday in the most beautiful coat. After seeing me coveting it for months he gave it to me for Christmas. The coat is from the Dear Creatures winter line, which is my favorite designer ever so it's a pretty big deal! :3


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